Saturday, December 6, 2008

Turn off Computer With SUICIDE"

Turn off the computer with SUICIDE Usually, when the computer off, we'll do it manually. This article will discuss about how to turn off the computer with a suicide death dewek alias.

Wait a bang! What benefits do I turn off the computer like that?.

Let's say you want after a virus scan with anti virus, the computer automatically die by itself.
Can not like that's it! Bisalah yes, time can dong.

Ok do not have to wait for long before I introduce a software AllOff automatically shut down your computer. Which can dowload here.
This software is free but you must register first to get a userid and verification code. The later code will be sent to the "you've got mail".

Ok think you've successfully installed:

Turn off the computer with SUICIDE

This software will disable your windows automatically aktiftas if there is no CPU, no typing, and no shift in the mouse.
Some things that may be very possible you need. First press the Configure button and there you will find:

1. No Activity Delay: enter a few seconds if there is no computer activity die die alone
2. CPU Thresolt: what percentage of CPU activity that you think can turn off the computer. Minimum 5%
3. Shut Down time: How time-out for computer menshutdown
4. Shut down Type: besides Power of (computer off), you can also mensettingnya supa windows berhibernate, reboot or just standby.

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